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Gardenia Scented Diffuser
Gardenia Scented DiffuserGardenia Scented Diffuser

Carrière Frères


    It is the most famous of the gardenias. A Polynesian plant of the Rubiaceae family, its flower, called tiare, is deliciously fragrant. It is used in the composition of monoi (the maceration of the flowers in copra oil), an ancient Maohi beauty recipe.

    Associated with Polynesia and long summer days, the tiare flower is widely used in Polynesian pharmacopoeia. It is known for:
    ✓ Helping to fight against fatigue,
    ✓ Its purifying and antiseptic properties,
    ✓ Its calming action.

    Capacity: 6.8 Fl.oz
    Duration: 8 to 12 weeks
    Bottle size: H: 12.5 cm Ø: 6.5 cm